Tech Team

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So far Tech Team has created 103 blog entries.
2 05, 2024

What is cybersecurity GRC (governance, risk, and compliance)?

May 2nd, 2024|Security News|

Everyone knows how vital cybersecurity is for protecting personal information, finances, and sensitive company data. Cyberthreats such as hacking, malware, and social engineering are constantly evolving, making it essential for organizations to have a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy in place. However, despite realizing this, many organizations don't know the best way to approach cybersecurity. Some companies may only focus on protecting their network or implementing certain security tools, while others may overlook the importance of compliance [...]

26 04, 2024

Implementing AI: How to make it work for your business

April 26th, 2024|IT News and Info|

Throughout history, certain technologies have reshaped industries, redefined norms, and propelled businesses to unimaginable success. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become that disruptive force, revolutionizing industries from healthcare to finance and everything in between. With the ability to analyze large amounts of data, make decisions without human intervention, and continuously learn and adapt, AI technologies have the potential to significantly improve business operations and drive growth. However, given the many forms AI can [...]

3 04, 2024

How IT consulting can save you time and money

April 3rd, 2024|IT News and Info, IT Support Tips|

Investing in new technologies and implementing digital transformation have become essential for businesses to stay competitive in the market. However, venturing into the world of IT can be time-consuming and expensive, especially for those who simply do not have the knowledge and expertise in this field. Every decision matters when it comes to technology, and one wrong move or investment can result in significant losses for a business. This is why many businesses turn to [...]

22 03, 2024

How to future-proof your infrastructure with IT modernization

March 22nd, 2024|IT News and Info|

Picture this: you're in a race car speeding down the track, competing against equally skilled drivers. However, they quickly pull ahead while you struggle to keep up. The difference? They have newer, more advanced cars with the latest technology and upgrades, while you're driving a clunky, outdated model. This scenario is much like operating a business with obsolete IT infrastructure. Relying on a legacy system often leads to decreased efficiency, increased downtime, higher maintenance costs, [...]

29 02, 2024

Can hackers bypass 2FA? What your business needs to know

February 29th, 2024|Security News|

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security measure that comes standard on almost every software, platform, and online service today. Its concept is simple: rather than simply relying on a username and password to log in to an account, 2FA requires an additional piece of information to grant access, usually in the form of a temporary code sent to your phone or email. This means even a stolen password won't be enough for a hacker to [...]

16 02, 2024

A simple guide to cloud computing for a small business

February 16th, 2024|Cloud Computing|

Small businesses need all the help they can get when profit margins are tight and the competition with larger companies is rife. Cloud computing is an indispensable tool that can help small businesses succeed. It gives users access to a vast network of remote servers, data storage, and applications over the internet. Plus, with the right cloud services, small businesses can increase efficiency, cut costs, and even level the playing field with their biggest competitors. [...]

31 01, 2024

Cybersecurity solutions for business in 2024

January 31st, 2024|Security News|

Every year, the looming threat of cyberattacks becomes more and more prevalent. In 2023, data breaches reached new heights, costing businesses an average of $4.45 million per incident. Major organizations encountered a wide range of cyberthreats, from simple phishing scams designed to steal troves of sensitive information to sophisticated ransomware attacks capable of causing widespread disruption. Unfortunately, 2024 will likely bring a whole new set of cybersecurity challenges for businesses. As technology continues to advance [...]

17 01, 2024

IT budgeting and planning: How to outsource critical services while staying in the black

January 17th, 2024|IT News and Info|

When it comes to IT, budgeting and planning are crucial for ensuring that a company's technology needs are met without overextending financial resources. In order to budget effectively, companies must keep costs under control and prioritize their technology investments based on their specific needs. For this reason, many companies are outsourcing critical IT services to third-party providers as a way to manage their IT budget while still receiving high-quality services. Why should businesses outsource critical [...]

3 01, 2024

Critical error? Data backup and recovery strategies your business needs to know

January 3rd, 2024|IT News and Info|

Without data, businesses can lose valuable insights, miss out on growth opportunities, and experience operational inefficiencies. Unfortunately, it's easy to lose data to hardware failures, cyberattacks, natural catastrophes, software glitches, and human errors. These incidents can set back their operations and financial stability for months or even years. The only safety net businesses have against data loss incidents is a robust data backup and recovery strategy. What is data backup and recovery? Data backup involves [...]

17 11, 2023

Network infrastructure and optimization: A simple overview for businesses

November 17th, 2023|IT News and Info, IT Support Tips|

Network infrastructures are the foundation on which modern businesses operate, supporting everything from data management and online services to communications. This simple overview explores the key components of a network infrastructure and how optimizing it can benefit your business. What is a network infrastructure? A network infrastructure refers to the hardware and software components that enable connectivity and communication between various devices, systems, and users within an organization or across multiple organizations. It provides the [...]

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