IT Support Tips

17 06, 2021

How to work on PowerPoint together

June 17th, 2021|IT Support Tips|

When it comes to delivering engaging presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint is the number one choice for professionals, be they in Chicago, Tampa, or anywhere in the world. PowerPoint allows users to edit themes, layouts, and graphics so they can set the tone for the presentation and help the audience focus on what’s important. Slides can display key notes to remind presenters of important talking points and better manage the flow of their presentation. Plus, users can [...]

31 05, 2021

Malware Protection Best Practices for Businesses

May 31st, 2021|IT Support Tips, Security News|

Malware refers to malicious software designed to compromise sensitive information and disrupt company systems. When malware infects computers, it can slow down applications, delete data, reconfigure critical settings, crash your system, and even hold your files for ransom. Over the years, malware has evolved from being a nuisance found on websites to incredibly harmful programs used for corporate espionage, financial gain, and sabotage.  For businesses in Chicago, Tampa, and all over the United States, a [...]

31 05, 2021

Enterprise resource planning (ERP): On-premises vs. cloud-based

May 31st, 2021|IT Support Tips|

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are a type of software that helps you manage manufacturing, supply chain, human resources, accounting, logistics, and other business processes. Businesses use ERP to quickly interpret thousands of data points to coordinate their teams, automate processes, and make smarter decisions. By leveraging effective data management and organization capabilities, ERP has become a game-changing tool for companies in Illinois, Florida, and the wider United States.  The challenge for businesses, however, isn’t [...]

22 03, 2021

5 Common IT Problems Your Business May Face

March 22nd, 2021|IT Support Tips, Security News|

No matter how well technology is built, issues and complications always arise. These issues may hinder business processes at the best of times, but at worst, they can force your company to shut down for good. Having a concrete understanding of the most common IT problems plaguing organizations in Florida, Illinois, and all over the world will help you ensure that they don't get in the way of your business.  Here are five tech problems [...]

22 03, 2021

Are PCs or Macs Better for Small Businesses?

March 22nd, 2021|IT Support Tips|

There are few debates that divide groups of people in Chicago, Tampa, and the wider United States more than the PC-versus-Mac debate. It’s an important argument to be had, too, especially if you’re running a small business. That’s because if you invest in the wrong computers, your business could lose thousands of dollars on devices that hinder your team’s productivity and efficiency.  To help you make an informed decision, we’ve assessed PCs and Macs against [...]

25 09, 2020

5 MSP solutions that make remote employee management easy

September 25th, 2020|IT Support Tips|

The massive shift to remote work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most critical challenges small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in Chicago and the whole world are facing today. SMBs can’t just send their employees home with a laptop and hope everything pans out.  A productive business requires the right tools to manage remote workers seamlessly.  Here are five crucial solutions you can get from a managed IT services provider [...]

11 09, 2020

7 Signs you need more IT support for your remote workers

September 11th, 2020|IT Support Tips|

Working from home has many distinct benefits for employees. They can set their own hours, avoid the dreadful morning commute, and get some peace and quiet from the office chatter.  But it doesn’t mean remote workers are free from IT headaches. There’s always a possibility that computers will slow down to a crawl or cybersecurity issues arise. What’s important is that your remote team has adequate IT support whenever they need it.  Here are seven [...]

21 08, 2020

It’s Time for SMBs to Create Long-Term Work From Home Policies

August 21st, 2020|IT Support Tips|

As the United States heads into the fifth month of the world’s longest remote work arrangement due to COVID-19, business leaders from Illinois to Florida are already planning a more permanent solution for when the crisis ends. Tech corporations including Twitter and Facebook have announced that employees can work remotely forever if they so choose. Experts even predict that small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) throughout the country will follow this trend as well.  While industries [...]

3 04, 2020

How Businesses Can Securely Work From Home

April 3rd, 2020|COVID-19, IT Support Tips|

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, many businesses are assessing how they can prioritize their employee safety and still maintain regular business operations. One solution many businesses are turning to is recommending employees to work from home to avoid potential illnesses. To help ease the burden on businesses, Microsoft, Google, LogMeIn, Cisco Webex, and Zoom are providing free remote working tools. With the increase in remote work, companies will have to prepare in [...]

30 03, 2020

How Teams Can Stay Connected & Productive When Working Remotely

March 30th, 2020|COVID-19, IT Support Tips|

Whether you’ve worked on a team with members across different geographic locations, or if you have full remote employees on your team already, we have ways to work within the confines of temporary team member isolation. Here are some tips and suggestions for how your company can stay productive and communicative during your time working from home: 1. Communication tools need to be your go-to solution Video conferencing systems, like Zoom or Google Hangouts, will [...]

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