IT Support Tips

12 03, 2020

A message from DSG regarding COVID-19

March 12th, 2020|IT News and Info, IT Support Tips|

STRATEGIES FOR REMOTE WORK  While all of us at DSG certainly hope that the COVID-19 coronavirus won't become a major health event in your local community, the reality is that businesses are already considering every contingency plan with a close eye towards avoiding serious disruption of their operations. In order to help our clients be better prepared for a surge in remote workers as the coronavirus story unfolds around the world, DSG has put together [...]

15 01, 2020

Top 6 Cybersecurity Threats in 2020

January 15th, 2020|IT Support Tips, Security News|

Our list of the Top 6 Cybersecurity Threats for small businesses in 2020 that you should be concerned and diligent about. Cybersecurity Threats 1. Ransomware Attacks “In 2020, we will see, at minimum, a 300% increase in RYUK-related ransomware attacks, and most of those attacks will be focused on U.S. small businesses. Ransoms on small businesses will jump to $150,000 to $300,000 per event on the low end, causing a spike in U.S. small business [...]

1 01, 2020

Proactive Network Management

January 1st, 2020|IT Support Tips|

Reactive network management methods are a time consuming and relatively cost inefficient method of IT moderation with today’s necessity for uninterrupted network connectivity. When daily issues and outages occur, reactive network methods struggle to respond fast enough to minimize downtime and losses. Because of the increasing volume and frequency of problems businesses experience daily, proactive behavior has become the most efficient and effective manner of solving your network problems. Rather than waiting for issues to [...]

29 04, 2016

Why is Data Security Important for Businesses

April 29th, 2016|IT Support Tips, Security News|

There have been many data security scares in the headlines over the past year. World companies have been hacked and had customer information stolen. This not only angers customers but breaks their trust in your brand. Even if you already invest in network security, you might need a bit more protection in today's world. Here are five reasons you should take data security for your business seriously: You Could Be Unknowingly Hacked for Years Michael [...]

6 11, 2013

CryptoLocker Ransomware: Everything You Need To Know

November 6th, 2013|IT News and Info, IT Support Tips, Security News|

National Cyber Awareness System: TA13-309A: CryptoLocker Ransomware Infections 11/05/2013 10:58 AM EST Original release date: November 05, 2013 | Last revised: November 06, 2013 Systems Affected Microsoft Windows systems running Windows 7, Vista, and XP operating systems Overview US-CERT is aware of a malware campaign that surfaced in 2013 and is associated with an increasing number of ransomware infections. CryptoLocker is a new variant of ransomware that restricts access to infected computers and demands the [...]

3 05, 2013

Designing a BDR Solution for Your Small Business

May 3rd, 2013|IT News and Info, IT Support Tips|

SMBs are creating and use more data than ever before; and the value of that data is ever-increasing. So the cost of losing that data is higher than ever before. Dynamic Solutions Group understands today’s small businesses need backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solutions that are efficient, reliable, and cost-effective.  We understand the importance of your business data. In a recent survey, commissioned by Hewlett Packard, it was discovered that as many as 31% of [...]

15 04, 2013

Preparing Your Business for Hurricane Season

April 15th, 2013|IT Support Tips|

Although it is impossible to predict if, when and where a hurricane may make landfall, it is critical that businesses within these high-risk areas on the Eastern and Gulf coasts to prepare as if a storm will do so at any given time.  With that being said, there are steps that you can take in I.T. now to prepare ahead of time and minimize the damage. These steps should be part of your company's overall [...]

12 04, 2013

16 Tips on How To Protect Your Personal Computer

April 12th, 2013|IT Support Tips|

Threats to your personal computer are becoming increasingly complex and serious. There are many steps you can take however, that will greatly minimize your chances of getting a virus, malware or worse. Regular Software Updates Enabling automatic downloads, and updating of software, enables your computer to maintain the latest security patches, fix bugs, and download the latest versions of software, while continuing to ensure your operating system is running optimally. These updates will often protect you [...]

31 08, 2012

Why Your Business Should Outsource IT Support

August 31st, 2012|IT News and Info, IT Support Tips|

Running a small business in today’s world is tougher than ever. With the economy stretched as thin as it has been in recent years, many small business owners have felt the brunt of this downturn hit them the hardest of all. On top of maintaining cash flow, overhead expenses are ever-increasing, and technologies are evolving at an unprecedented rate. One area of business that can realize a significant cost reduction through outsourcing is IT Support. [...]

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