Modern businesses are built on more than just innovative ideas and hard work. They’re constructed on a solid IT infrastructure that drives every aspect of their operations.

IT infrastructure refers to the different components that make up an organization’s technology infrastructure, including hardware, software, networks, and data storage. It includes everything from physical devices such as computers, servers, routers, and cables to intangible components such as databases, software applications, and security systems.

A well-designed and maintained IT infrastructure can provide an organization with a host of competitive advantages. Before delving into how to achieve this however, it’s crucial to understand the key components of IT infrastructures and how they support business success.

What are the components of IT infrastructures?

An organization’s IT infrastructure can be divided into five major components, each with its own unique function:

  • Hardware: These are the physical devices that form the backbone of an organization’s computing environment. Hardware may refer to servers, computers, printers, routers, and networking equipment, which are responsible for processing and storing data, providing access to applications, and connecting users to the broader network.
  • Software: This component includes all the programs and applications that are installed on an organization’s hardware. These can range from device drivers and operating systems (e.g., Windows 11) to business-specific software such as word processing, programming, or data analytics tools.
  • Network: The network connects all the hardware and software components together, allowing them to communicate and share data. A network can be wired or wireless and can span across a single office or multiple locations.
  • Storage: This component is responsible for storing all of an organization’s data. This includes both structured data (e.g., customer information in a database) and unstructured data (e.g., documents, images, videos). Data storage can be centralized or distributed across multiple locations.
  • Data center facilities: These are centralized locations that house an organization’s servers, storage devices, and other critical IT infrastructure components. Data centers, which could either be located on premises or hosted in the cloud, provide the necessary power, cooling, and physical security to support an organization’s IT infrastructure.

Types of IT infrastructure

There are many different ways to set up an organization’s IT infrastructure, and the best approach will depend on the unique needs and goals of the business. However, some common types of IT infrastructure include:

  • Traditional infrastructure: This type of infrastructure is completely owned and managed by the organization. It includes all the hardware, software, networks, and security systems that are installed and managed within the physical premises of an organization.
  • Cloud infrastructure: With this setup, a cloud provider such as Microsoft Azure hosts and manages the organization’s IT infrastructure. Servers, storage, software, and security systems are accessed over the internet, eliminating the need for physical hardware on site. A cloud infrastructure can offer flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.
  • Hybrid infrastructure: This setup combines traditional and cloud infrastructure. For instance, server hardware may be hosted on premises, but applications and data are stored and accessed in the cloud. Having a hybrid infrastructure allows organizations to have the best of both worlds: the flexibility and customization of on-premises systems and the scalability and cost-effectiveness of cloud solutions.

Managing IT infrastructure: How managed services providers (MSPs) can help

Given the many moving parts of IT infrastructure, designing, implementing, and maintaining it can be challenging. Oftentimes, this will require a team of technicians with diverse expertise in hardware, software, networking, and security. For many organizations, this may not be feasible or cost-effective.
This is where MSPs come in. MSPs are third-party service providers that offer various IT infrastructure management services to businesses for a fixed monthly fee.

While each MSP offers different infrastructure solutions and services, some common ways by which they help organizations manage their IT infrastructure include:

Technology procurement

MSPs are well connected with leading hardware and software vendors, making it easy for them to help organizations source and purchase the right IT infrastructure components at competitive prices. They can also conduct a thorough assessment that enables them to offer advice on which hardware and software solutions will best suit the organization’s needs.

Implementation support

Once the organization has acquired the necessary IT infrastructure components, MSPs can help with setting up and integrating them into the existing technology environment. This includes proper installation, configuration, and testing to ensure everything works seamlessly. If businesses are implementing a cloud-based infrastructure, MSPs can migrate data, set up user accounts, and sync cloud computing resources with on-premises systems.

Ongoing maintenance

MSPs proactively maintain an organization’s IT infrastructure to keep business operations running optimally. This involves monitoring system performance, promptly addressing potential issues, and installing the latest software and hardware updates. If technical problems arise, MSPs can offer support remotely or send technicians on site if necessary. A proactive MSP may even recommend upgrades or improvements to an organization’s IT infrastructure to maximize performance and efficiency.

Cybersecurity and disaster recovery

MSPs prioritize the security of their clients’ IT infrastructure. Depending on the company’s risk profile, MSPs may implement network security tools, such as firewalls, anti-malware software, intrusion prevention systems, encryption software, access controls, and more.

They also provide disaster recovery services, which involve backing up data, creating recovery protocols, and regular testing to help the organization quickly recover from any IT disasters. Disaster recovery services will typically prioritize restoring the most critical systems first (i.e., servers and customer-facing applications) to keep your business operational.

What are the benefits of IT infrastructure management?

Businesses that enlist the help of MSPs and manage their IT infrastructure effectively can enjoy several benefits:

Increased efficiency

Having a well-designed and maintained IT infrastructure can help organizations streamline processes, reduce downtime, and improve overall efficiency. This is especially true when MSPs are involved because they can perform routine maintenance on systems and applications, making them less likely to fail. Plus, when IT issues are kept at bay, employees no longer have to deal with interruptions.

Significant savings

Organizations can lose hundreds of thousands of dollars due to suboptimal IT infrastructures. For example, running outdated hardware and software may lead to frequent crashes and slow performance, costing businesses time and money. By partnering with an MSP, businesses can save on these expenses while also avoiding costly infrastructure disasters. Reliable MSPs can manage the life cycle of an organization’s hardware and software, keeping track of warranties and replacing outdated assets before they become a problem.

MSPs can also help businesses avoid the expenses associated with maintaining and upgrading on-premises infrastructure by leveraging cloud services, which dramatically reduce hardware, software, and maintenance costs.

Improved security

Robust IT infrastructure management also means greater security for your organization. MSPs can provide regular security assessments, monitor systems for potential vulnerabilities, and respond rapidly to emerging threats. By implementing multilayered defenses, MSPs can make it harder for attackers to compromise systems.

Room for innovation

MSPs can handle the day-to-day management of IT infrastructure, freeing up time for organizations to focus on developing new products or services, improving customer experiences, or expanding into new markets. Companies also have the flexibility to test new digital initiatives such as remote work arrangements or paperless processes without the risk of disrupting their entire IT environment.

If you’re looking to streamline your operations, optimizing your IT infrastructure is the first step toward success. With Dynamic Solutions Group as your dedicated MSP, you can enjoy all the benefits of managed IT infrastructure services and take your business to new heights. Get in touch with us today to learn more.